PyData Global 2024

Irina Vidal Migallón

Irina is an ML Engineer, specialised in Computer Vision and NLP, and seasoned in different industries: from optical biopsy systems in France to Augmented Reality apps in German startups to leading AI Engineering teams at Siemens Mobility. She is now part of the journey of to add transparency and safety to Generative AI through Open Source Software.

Even more than waking up Skynet, she's more worried about Natural Intelligence and its decisions over our data.

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Trustworthy LLMs: Vibe checks are not all you need
Irina Vidal Migallón

9 out of 10 engineers will recommend the use of evaluation tools for their LLMs, but admit they only trust eyeballing responses to decide whether it's safe to use. The 10th carefully studies the floor in silence.

This talk is for engineers, developers or applied researchers who may or may not know of evaluation tools and metrics, but either way benefit from an overview of different risks in applications using LLMs for text generation, Open Source libraries they can use to mitigate these risks, and examples of how to use them.

LLM Track
LLM Track