PyData Global 2024

Let our optima combine!
12-04, 17:30–18:00 (UTC), General Track

An introduction to solving combinatorial optimization and constraint satisfaction problems in Python. I will review the most popular libraries for SAT/CSP. We will then deep dive to a crash corse on using Google's award winning OR-tools library, for efficiently solving some non-trivial real-world constrained combinatorial optimization problems.

An introduction to solving combinatorial optimization and constraint satisfaction problems in Python. I will review the most popular libraries for SAT/CSP. We will then deep dive to a crash corse on using Google's award winning OR-tools library, for efficiently solving some non-trivial real-world constrained combinatorial optimization problems.

Prior Knowledge Expected

Previous knowledge expected

Dr. Eyal Gruss - Code/media/text artist, algorithms researcher, teaches computational creativity at the Holon institute of Technology.